Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Does He Really Grow Overnight?

This little guy seems to grow everyday. He looks bigger to me each time I get him out of his crib. A lot of it is probably from not spending all day with him since I am back at work now. He is getting stronger everyday. He almost has control of his head. and he is doing a lot better on his tummy now. He is always trying to sit up. And if you sit him in your lap, that's not good enough... he has to sit up even more. He just seems to be trying to do everything at once. Slow down Liam!!! Take it one step at a time, is what I tell him!
I feel like I am missing out on a lot with him. His personality is growing so much now, and he is a lot of fun to be around. He is smiling all the time. And the other night when I was giving him a bath, he really started belting out some laughter. It reminded me a lot of the way Ernie laughs. It was too cute. I just wish I could spend more time with him. By the time I pick him up from Rosa's and get home it is between 5-5:30. Then we give him a bath at 7, then a night time bottle, and off to bed he goes. He is in bed by 8 almost every night. Then we get up again early and start the day all over again. I can tell he misses me some days. He will be really clingy and a little cranky. And he only wants to be held. I am really hoping that maybe, I could find a job that I can do from home. The only thing that will be hard is finding a job that pays as much as what I am getting now....
Well tomorrow we get a day off together as a family. I am going to take a little bit of Mommy time, and get my hair done. I'm thinking of going shorter, so stay tuned for a picture of the new do!

Here are some pictures from the past few days:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just a quick note to let you know, about the working thing: it gets easier. You are a good mom! Keep your chin up.