Thursday, August 9, 2012


We've had a busy summer this year. Not a whole lot of getting out and doing things, but mostly just life has been busy! Here are a few pictures of the boys enjoying pool time during the summer. 

 Liam got to go to his first year of Vacation Bible School! I don't know who was more excited, me or him?! He loved it. The theme this year was Kingdom Kids. I made a make shift coat of arms out of some felt around the house. He loved that thing! By the end of the week, he had the full armor of God and was a true Kingdom Kid! He still talks about how much he misses Bible School!

(sorry they're sideways. I cannot get them to rotate!)

Liam and I also got a date in during this summer. We went to see Spiderman! He loved it. It was so nice to just spend time with him. 

We had a few days where we were out of hot water at our apartment... so next best thing to a warm bath in the tub, a warm bath in the sink! I boiled some water and washed the boys in the sink for a couple of days. They sure enjoyed it!

Liam is starting a new preschool on Monday and he is very excited! We also have a very busy couple of months coming up as we are getting ready to move to Yucaipa! We cannot wait! We will be some much closer to friends and family and have a bigger place for our boys!

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