Friday, June 20, 2008


7:45pm: put Liam to bed

9:30: I fell asleep

9:40pm: Liam wakes up. He is wide awake. I lay down in our bed with him, and he goes back to sleep

10:05pm: put Liam back in his bed.

10:15pm: Liam wakes up again. Deron gets him this time and holds him until he falls asleep again.

10:25: put Liam back in his bed.

10:30pm: Liam is awake and crying again. Deron brings him into our room and lays him on the bed next to me. He wants to go to sleep, but he is trying to keep himself awake for some reason. Deron makes him a little bottle, feeds him, and he goes right back to sleep. He sleeps like Deron. Rolling all over the bed and smacking me with his arms while he sleeps. He has been asleep since, and it is 5:33am.

What a L O N G night! Needless to say, I am tired!

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