Thursday, August 19, 2010


Yesterday was my 30th birthday! I am officially out of the 20's. I was sad about it for the last few weeks, but it ends up being ok. It's a new decade and there are lots of changes coming, so I guess that it is suiting for a new age to be entered as well. We celebrated on Sunday with a family dinner at the Spaghetti Factory. My Dad had one of his friends make a great cake! I worked on my actual birthday, so we didn't really do anything. I got a cake, magazine, gift card, cookies and candy from my co-workers which was very nice. It was nice to just relax and be with my family. The pictures aren't that great because no one would sit still and the lighting was weird in there. I even had to re-create blowing out the candles because no one caught the picture!

1 comment:

Matt and Lisa said...

aww...wish i could have been there!!