Saturday, March 5, 2011

11 weeks

11 weeks may not be a huge milestone, but since we finally got a picture of Brendan smiling, I though I'd post it with a little update of what he's doing now! I can say that he is really different than Liam. While they may look a lot alike, their personalities are different. Brendan loves to be held. If he is not being held, he is crying. And, crying has become something that he does often. This is becoming very frustrating since sometimes he seems to cry for no reason at all. Liam hardly ever cried. He loved to just relax and hang out. Brendan is trying to pull himself up into a sitting position. When he is sitting in our arms he is always try to sit forward. While we are driving around in the car, we see this little head trying to sit forward, then he gets mad because he is restrained. Brendan only wants to sleep on his tummy. Liam was never this way, so we are letting him sleep on his tummy, but monitoring him all the time. It has been 4 days and nights since we've started tummy sleeping, and it is going very well! Brendan is also sleeping in his own bed now, which has been great for me at night! He hates tummy time, and hates the swing and bouncy chair! All of which make it very difficult to get anything done. Liam loved his bouncy chair, so this is much different for us. When Brendan is hungry, he expects food NOW! And when that food is not there right away, he turns into Jack Jack from The Incurables! Brendan does, however, have is fun moments. In the midst of all the frustration, there are lots of smiles and laughter and snuggles. He really is a good baby, just different than the first time around. But there are some things that are the same between these boys... They are definitely Mamma's boys!

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