My Dad called me yesterday and told me about this water park day that the Loma Linda University holds on Wednesdays during the summer. They have all kinds of water activities for kids. SO, Liam and I took off after work to enjoy some cooling off. There were lots of people there. They had really big water slides for the big kids, some medium sized slides for the younger kids, and a bunch of kiddie pools for the babies and toddlers. Liam has had a fear of water for the past few months, so I was hoping that seeing all the kids running around in the water might make him want to get in the pools too. Well, for the first 30-40 min, all he did was hold onto me, tight! Then after we enjoyed a corn dog (vegetarian of course), he was all about runing over to each pool and putting his hands in. Slowly, but surely, he finally wanted his shoes off, and he got in the pools! He loved to play with those pool noodles. He kept pretending that they were light sabers and was trying to play light sabers with another kid his age! It was lots of fun and I'm glad my dad told us about it. We are thinking about making it a weekly tradition!

That is really cool that LL does that. It makes me want to go. ;)
that looks fun!
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