Tuesday, July 28, 2009

18 Months!

This post is a little late, but here it is nonetheless. Liam had his 18-month check-up last Friday, and this was one visit I would like to remove from my memory entirely. He was so scared! I think his one year check-up traumatized him for life. The minute I put him on the scale he started screaming and never stopped. He was screaming "I'm done!" the entire time. He would try to take the doctor's stethoscope away from her and wouldn't let him come near him with the ear lookly thing! Eventually we had him pinned down on the table just to measure his head and look in his ears and mouth. Then when it was shot time, he was kicking the nurse with the leg that wasn't held down. I left there sweating! WOW what an experience. The nurse told me that was nothing, just wait till their 4 years old when they get 6 shots! Great! Something to look forward to. During the time when Liam wasn't crying in the doctors office, our doctor was talking to us about how many words Liam should be saying. She said that he should be saying about 6-10 words and should be soon starting to put words together... well, Liam's vocabulary must be very advanced, because we have counted about 30 words that he can say and he can put at least 2 words together, that we can at least understand.

Here is what we can tell Liam says:
Diaper (diapo)
Juice (ju)
poo-poo & pee-pee (but only when talking about going to the bathroom :) )
dog (dogdog)
balloon (boon)
cheese (ches)
no (favorite word)
love you
bye bye
bless you
hot (ha ha)
I'm done
more (mo)
thank you (really good at this)
please (peas)
counts 1-2-3 ( two, two, tee)

we are working on church. He kinda says shursh already. He calls Aunt Brittany "B" and we are working on getting him to say Grandpa, Grandma, Grampie and Grammie. He kinda says it here and there, but he's not consistent. This boy loves to talk, I'm sure we'll be wanting him to stop soon, but for now, it is quite enjoyable.

I can't believe how much Liam has grown and how much he is developing. He just amazes me every day. I feel like my little baby is gone and is being replaced with a grown up kid. The tantrums are often and his independence is strong, but deep down inside, he is still my little baby. Every once in a while he still likes to climb up on me and fall asleep. And that is my favorite thing of all :)

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