Friday, Deron and I took Liam to the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach. It took us 1 1/2 hours to ge there, and when we got there.... There were so many people. We had forgotten that there are summer day camps that do these kind of activities. So, there were lots of kids and lots of adults that liked to push their way to the front of the aquariums and stand in front of the kids. There were lots of neat animals there and many sea creatures I have never seen before. Liam really seemed to like the Jelly Fish. It was fun, but I think the next time we go, Liam will be older, and we will try to go when there may not be so many people. We spent about two hours there, got a few gifts at the gift shop and spent two hours driving home. It was nice to get out as a family, and Liam slept both ways, so Deron and I got to talk with each other without many interruptions!
*please excuse some of the pictures, the flash reflected off the glass*

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