Eight things I look forward to...
1. Going to the aquarium tomorrow and having a family day.
2. M little vacation on September
3. Having the Kaiser bill from Liam's birth paid off (only 2 payments left)
4. Finishing up one of my summer projects, a step-stool for Liam.
5. Getting through at least 3 books this summer
6. Seeing my new niece or nephew in December... or around there :)
7. Football season starting again. Go Packers!
8. Spending quality time with my family
Eight things I did yesterday...
1. Went to work
2. Took Liam to a waterpark day at Loma Linda University
3. Worked on getting my computer working for about 3 hours
4. Ate Chipotle for Lunch
5. Sang some Barney songs in the car with Liam
6. Gave Liam a 45 min bath
7. Watched "I Survived a Japanese Gameshow"
8. Went to bed, while Deron went to work
Eight things I wish I could do...
1. Start my own daycare
2. Go on a great family vacation
3. Buy a house
4. Be a stay at home mom
5. See my sister everyday
6. Loose this baby weight, it's killing me!
7. Get my hair done on time all the time, instead of waiting until we can afford it.
8. Pay off my student loan
8 Shows I Watch (in no particular order):
1. GMA
2. Handy Manny
3. Imagination Movers
4. Lost
5. Army Wives
7. Law & Order (any of them)
8. Dancing with the Stars
I tag: