Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Mommy & Liam

Yesturday, Liam & I had our first day out together. I was a bit nervous since this would be my first time officially alone with him. We went to Lowe's to visit all my co-workers, then we went to Chili's and had lunch with some friends from work, then we went to Target to go Valentines day shopping for Daddy, and then to the Sprint store. I was really happy with how Liam was. He slept almost the entire time except for when he wanted to eat when we were at Chili's. All in all, it was a great day. I was exhauseted by the time we got home. But because Liam slept almost the entire day, it took us a while to get him to go to sleep at night, and he didn't sleep for more than 2- 2 1/2 hours at a time. Tonight Liam & I are going out to dinner with my friend Megan at Fridays. I am hoping he will be well behaved this time too. He does pretty well in restaurants so far, hopefully he will keep the trend.

Here are some pictures from the past few days. Grandma & Grandpa McCandless came and visited on Saturday, and we went up to Grandma & Grandpa Corydon's on Monday.

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