Today Liam is 4 weeks old. It is hard to believe that almost a month has gone by. Liam looks different to me everyday, and he is growing so much. Yesturday he held his head up all by himself for a whole minute while I was holding him, and he is constantly pushing up with his legs. He is definatly a strong, and seeming to be independent boy. He gave me a little surprise today as well. Today, Deron had to go back to work, so it was just Liam and me all day. Well Liam decided to give me a BIG and MESSY diaper to change before Daddy was able to come home and help me. And let me tell you, this was probably the worst diaper I have ever had to change. I had him strapped down on his changing table while I got his bath together, and when I came back later to clean up, I noticed that there seemed to be water all over the changing table and on his laundry basket. Well, it wasn't water... while he was waiting for his bath, he went to the bathroom :) Yeah! Another mess! I never really realized how hard it can be to give a bath to a baby when you are by yourself. Well, everyday is a learning experience these days. All in all, we had a pretty good and relaxed day.
Here is a picture of the 4 weeks old Liam!

For Valentines Day, we spent it together as a family. We were going to go to Victoria Gardens and walk around then go to the Spaghetti Factory, but it was too cold and windy. So, we just went to the Spaghetti Factory. It was nice to go out together. Liam slept the whole time, and we enjoyed a great meal! Deron got Liam a little Valentines Day present too. He got him his first Light Saber. Obviously Liam is way too little to use it... but Deron was super excited to finally be able to buy one for his son. He took some picutres of Liam with his new toy, and they were quite cute. In one picture Liam is smiling, the next it looks like his is kissing his toy, then the next one looks like Liam thinks his toy is a bottle.

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