Today we went over to Grandpa & Grandma McCandless' house. Aidan did very well with his new cousin. The moment we walked in the door he was following the baby. He came up to his car seat and said "Baby, baby!" He watched him while he slept in his bouncer chair and he played with the toys on the bouncer while Liam slept. After Liam woke up and had some food, we sat Aidan down on the couch and put the Boppy pillow around him so he could hold Liam. He did so well. He was completly taken by every little thing. He pointed out Liams eyes, nose, mouth, hair, hands, feet, forehead, chin & cheeks.In fact, when we tried to get Aidan to go eat lunch, all he wanted to do was hold the baby. Later on we let him hold him again. This time he went straight for the pillow and tried to put it around himself. He was still so excited about the baby. All in all, they did very well together. Liam really can't do much more than sleep, eat & poop right now, but Aidan just likes being around him. It is really neat to seem them together and think about how they are going to be little partners in crime soon.
The first picture is from today when Aidan was holding Liam. The rest are from Liam's bath yesturday. Keep in mind that I do not pose these pictures. Liam does it all on his own!

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