I admit that I have slacked a bit on the updates this week... so here they are! There are not a lot of pictures to go with the events, because I seemed to forget my camera a lot this week.
Liam & I had lunch with Rosa at the Olive Garden. It was yummy, and it was very nice to see her. We haven't seen each other since the baby was born. It was great to catch up. She got to hold Liam finally, and now I secretly think she wants another little baby :) We also went over to Grandpa & Grandma McCandless' house to visit for a little while. We also got to see Aunt Kaite and Aidan. It was really nice to see everyone since it has been a while. Liam was really good and slept most of the time. We also received a very cute Ribinki in the mail yesterday from my friend Janna. It is so cute. She had made so many cute things for Liam.

Mommy was able to get some alone time because Dad was off work and able to watch Liam for a little bit. I went and got my hair done, and ran a few more errands that are kinda of hard to do with a little one. It was relaxing to get out of the house. But I really missed my little guy. Everytime I would get out of the car I would walk over to where his carseat normally is to get him out, but he wasn't there. :(

We went to check out a potential child care giver today. We have been looking for a while for some day care when I go back to work, and have not been successful. But I think we may have finally found day care for Liam! We are going to continue to pray that this is really where God wants us to send our son. Liam & I also took our first grocery store trip since he has been born. He was wide awake the entire time just looking around at all the lights. Towards the end, he started to scream because he was hungry, and an older women in line behind me told me that he was too young to be out of the house yet. It really kinda bothered me that someone, again, was telling me how to raise me child! Oh well... I finally got over it!
We spent the day at Grandpa & Grandma Corydon's house. We stopped at Target on the way there and got Liam a little pack-n-play so he can sleep when he is at Grandpa & Grandma's. He did really well. He got to see his Uncle David & Aunt Brittany, and he actually slept in is playpen, which is more than he does at home.
Liam & I went to church for the first time since he was born. I was nervous because I didn't want him to cry during the sermon. But he did very well. He slept through the music, but once the music stopped, he started his grunting... which usually means he is going to be passing gas, or pooping. So I went to the mother's room to change him, but he ended up falling asleep, so we stayed in there. He was the only boy in the room, and he was grunting and passing gas the entire time. What a true boy!
Here are some pictures that were taken during the week!