We have had a very busy past week. I hosted a baby shower for Rosa on May 17th that was a lot of fun. I don't have any pictures... sorry. But when your hosting, it's hard to take them. Liam was sick on Sunday night through Tuesday, as our previous post stated. He is doing much better. We are convinced that he was teething as well as having a virus. He is still getting in his top molars and they look like they have finally broken through. I attended another baby shower on Saturday for an old friend of mine, Shannon. That was lots of fun as well. We have also been trying out some new things around here that have made our nights a little more different. We took Liam off the bottle last Saturday, and that worked really well. He wasn't too happy the first night, but has done fine since. We also have started putting him in his bed while he is still awake so he can teach himself to go to sleep on his own. We should have started this when he was much younger.... but we have our excuses. We started this on Thursday with just the naps and it was working pretty good. Saturday we started with the nights, and so far, it seems to be working fairley well. Keep your fingers crossed that it will continue. That seems to be about all that is going on around here. We hope everyone has a great Memorial Day, and please take some time to remember and pray for our troops that have served and are serving our country so we can have our freedom. Thanks Matt!!!
Here are some pictures from the week!

Liam was so proud of himself that he ate his yougurt all by himself!

I am not really quite sure how Liam missed his eye when he was drawing on himself...

I usually try to always keep pants on Liam since he has been trying to take off his diaper. Well, the other day he was sitting next to me on the couch doing this...

And we can't forget Deron's other son... Jake!
1 comment:
Liam must have learned that from watching grandpa!! hahahaha :)
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