This week I tried out a new recipe on Liam. I have had it before since my Mom makes it, but he has not. Tuna Burgers. He had one bite, and this was the face that he made

They taste great to me. They have a lot of ingredients, so it is not just canned tuna, and you eat them like a burger... But Liam had his own opinion about them. Anytime we would say tuna burger he would make a face. Like the ones below.

Thursday was full of new things for us. Liam & I went shopping and found some new things for to make for Mother's day. Liam had lots of fun making them, as did I. I cannot show you all the pictures, because the Grandma's read our blog.

Liam also found a pen and decided that his leg needed something extra

On Friday, Daddy came home with my Mother's Day present, a patio swing. I have been wanting one for a long time. Liam was so interested in what Daddy was doing. He really had to be the big helper. In fact, he was such a helper, that he actually whacked Deron in the head with one of the pieces.

That was the fun parts of our week. We hope you all have a great day tomorrow celebrating your Mom's. And, for those of you Moms and soon to be Moms, we wish you a very happy Mother's Day. We hope you all know how special you are.

happy mother's day sis! enjoy your swing!
Hey, Liam, why don't you come over for a visit. I'll make you some TUNA BURGERS!
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