Liam & I spent the whole day together. We got to "sleep" in a little. Well, he woke up at 3:50am, and would not go back to sleep. Finally at about 6am, he went back to sleep and so did I, until about 8:15. We went to Ontario Mills to buy mommy new jeans, and Liam more clothes and some new shoes, since he won't stop growing. We bought a size 5 shoe today! What?? Liam's feet are not necessarily growing longer, but they are fat! So they don't really fit into any regular size shoes. He loves his new shoes so much that we had to put them on right away and he actually kept them on all day without any fussing! Anyways... We had lunch in the food court, then headed home. I would have done more shopping... but while we were in the Carter's store, Liam threw a huge tantrum because he wanted out of the stroller. He was so loud. Enough said, he was tired, we went home. Before we could even get on the freeway he was asleep! After his nap, we went outside and planted the flowers that we bought last Thursday. It has been raining since we bought them and today it was nice enough to go outside and plant them. Mommy did most of the planting while Liam yelled down to the kids that live below us. We bought Liam some little gardener gloves, but they are too big, so he wasn't too interested. The rest of the day we just spent playing. I guess I wore him out because the last hour (5:30-6:30) all he wanted to was cuddle. So we took a bed and he was asleep by 7:05! Hopefully that doesn't mean an extra early morning!

1 comment:
I don't usually shop at Kmart but they do keep Tom McCann shoes for little ones in wide width. Matthew and my niece have wide feet so we frequent there at season beginning to buy shoes. Kmart usually runs a buy one get one at 1/2 off so it is a better deal. They are usually leather too!
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