He has been more receptive to different foods, which is great, but he still is picky about his vegetables. Pancakes are still his favorite, and he always points at the freezer and says, "uh huh!" Some nights he will want nothing to do with the food we are trying to give him. He will scream and just point at the freezer because he wants to eat pancakes. What happened to the days where he would just eat what we fed him?
On Tuesday night we tried to give him a bath, and he wanted nothing to do with it. He freaked out like I have never seen when I tried to put him in the tub. It was like he was scared of the water. Lastnight, he did fine. In fact, he loved it. We put bubbles in the bath and got a new rubber ducky that goes over the faucet that he just played with the entire time.
He now makes faces that are quite silly. I am convienced that he picked these faces up from another child at day care named Damian. This little kid always makes these little mad faces, and it is too cute that you can't help but laugh. Well, Liam makes the same faces now. I guess all this change comes with turning 1. He has only been 1 years old for about 2 1/2 weeks, but he is changing so much. His little personality is developing and I can almost have a conversation with him where he responds to everything we talk about. Where has my little baby gone? I don't even think I can call him a baby anymore. He is my little toddler now.

Liam loves to brush his teeth (most of the time). We sat him on the counter this day and he crawled into the sink and sat down to brush his teeth. What a little silly.
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