WOW! I didn't think that a baby could develop so much in one week. Liam seems to want to be an independent baby, and quick. His head is getting much stronger, and he can almost hold it up completely on his own. He is also trying to pull himself up into the sitting position when he is sitting in our laps, or in his car seat. He just holds onto our fingers and tries to pull himself up. Deron & I joke that our little guy is going to have some great abs soon from all these "sit-ups" he is doing. His smiles are not just smiles anymore either. He is laughing a lot more when he smiles. And instead of smiling at you because you are smiling at him, he is smiling when you talk to him. My favorite thing that is changing with our little guy is his hair. The hair on the top of his head is starting to come in a lot more. It is coarser and wavy! It is soooo cute. When I get him out of his bed in the morning he has a little bed head from rubbing his head on the bumbers. It's absolutely adorable. Now if only that hair would start growing on the back of his head! Liam has also found a new favorite toy. It is a monkey blanket. It's a flat monkey, except for the head, and it has feet that the babies can chew on. Well, since Liam has found his hands, he has also found his mouth, and anything his hands are holding are to be put in his mouth. Needless to say, the monkey blanket goes in his mouth. He also likes to cuddle with it as well.
Here are some pictures of his growing hair, and his favorite toy, his monkey blanket!

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