Today was a wonderful day. I was looking forward to this day all week. My day off from work, and a whole day spend with my little guy. Let me tell you, I really miss him since I went back to work on Saturday. Tuesday was the hardest day this week. I'm not sure why Tuesday, but it just seemed that more people asked about Liam that day, so of course, I was thinking about him more. Rosa has been doing a great job with him, and she sends me pictures everyday on my phone of Liam. I love getting them. It makes me feel like I am there with him. So today we woke up at about 5:30am, after sleeping for 9 hours! Liam sleeps really well when I don't have to go to work, but on the mornings where I have to get up early, he is only sleeping 4-5 hours at a time. Otherwise, it is about 7-9 hours at a time. Anyways... we woke up early so I could go see the doctor. I have been having bad acne since the baby was born, so we are trying to nip that in the bud! Then we went to Ontario Mills. We did a lot of shopping. Mommy needed new jeans, and the baby needed some bigger clothes. There were so many sales, it was wonderful! We had lunch together. Liam had a bottle while I had some pizza. Liam was very happy today. He was laughing and smiling all day. And he was squealing! He likes the sound of him voice when it echos in a large store, or the food court :) Then we came home and just hung out! I could not have asked for a better day. Now I am really looking forward to Sunday, my next day off! Here are some pictures from the past few days. Rosa gave us one of those door way jumpers, and we just tried it out the other night. Liam likes sitting in it, for a little bit. Once he gets a little stronger in his neck and back, he will probably like it more.

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