Tuesday, May 17, 2011

5 Months

Brendan is 5 months now and it feels like he is growing like a weed. He is loving baby food. Sometimes he just gets so angry when we give him a bottle because he would rather have baby food. He is so interested in what we are eating, and have started letting him gum on some Mum Mum treats. Everything that he touches go into his mouth. This kid is all about having something in his mouth, whether it be edible or not. He just wants to be like his brother. He watches everything Liam does and could laugh at him all day. He cannot even just lay around. He needs to be sitting up or standing in the action. He is rolling over like a champ. One day he rolled over during his nap, and had been doing ever since. Brendan also seems to really like books. One night I was reading him a book and just got so excited and was turning pages and making cooing and laughing noises. His hair is also growing. He never really lost too much in the back since he has been sleeping on his stomach since he was about 5 weeks old, so it is really growing! I think his hair grew over night one night when I was closing. When I woke up with him in the morning, it looked like his hair had grown about a 1/2"! We are so excited to see how his personality it growing and how well these two little boys are interacting. They love each other so much and you can really see that they will have a great friendship!

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