This is about a week late, but we've worked every day since Christmas and today is our first day off, and time to really do anything. We had a great Christmas. We are trying to start some family traditions now that Liam is getting older and understanding a little more what Christmas is. We stayed home on Christmas Eve and cooked a great dinner. Liam and I had ventured out earlier in the day to Barnes and Noble to get a few books for reading that night. We were constant trackers of Santa via the Norad Santa Tracker website. We would log on and show Liam where Santa was in the world and where we lived. He was so excited. After a great dinner and a fun bath, we sat down and read
The Night Before Christmas and
The First Christmas. He really recognizes Santa this year. Whether he really understands what he stands for... I don't think quite yet. We set out all Liam's presents after he went to bed and spent about an hour putting together his big gift, a play kitchen. When he woke up in the morning, he was so excited. He saw his kitchen first, and we had to pry him away from it just to open his other gifts. Right away he made us coffee. And now every morning, he makes sure to make me some coffee before we leave the house. After we opened gifts, we went over to my parents house to have some brunch. My Grandma and he husband came over, as well as my Aunt and Uncle who live here in California and my other Aunt, Uncle and some cousins who live in Texas. It was great to see everyone. Lisa was not able to be here with us this year, so we skyped her and put her up on the big screen t.v. so everyone could see her. After spending some time there, we headed over to Deron's parents house. Liam made out and every stop and really had a great day. He only had about a half-hour nap all day, and really did good in the behavior department.

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