*Cruising around the furniture
*Waving and EVERYTHING
*He play patty cake
*He has one tooth, still waiting for more (I did tell him that if he wanted chocolate cake at his birthday he needed at least one tooth...)
*He loves giving kisses
*Gives "5"
*Loves family bear hugs
*Such a talker
*He will pinch you and yell at the same time. He is mimicking what we would do if he pinched us.
*He can say: momma, dada/papa, dog (da), babba, and yeah(while nodding).
*He shakes his head yes or no when you ask him a question
*He puts up his toy phone to his head and starts talking, but won't talk to someone on a real phone.
*He loves to dance to music
*Gets out the bowls and spoons from the kitchen drawers and plays on them like the drums.
*When he wants something that we are eating he smacks his tongue on the roof of his mouth and says "uh huh"
*He loves to see his Dada. They are best buds.
*He is becoming more and more social with people he doesn't know
*He loves the church nursery
I can't wait to celebrate his birthday. It is so fun to interact with him now because he is more and more like a little person everyday. He is so precious to us, and we are so grateful to God for entrusting him to us.

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