It's been a while, I know! I am usually fairly diligent about posting new blogs, but really, there hasn't been much too write about. We've kind of had a boring week. Liam is definitely trying to crawl. He pushes his legs up underneath him and kind of rocks back and forth. He will be very mobile very soon. And I thought he was already mobile enough! He is wearing size 9-12 months clothes now. And in fact, some of his 9 months jammies are getting too short in the legs, so we are having to go with 12 months for the most part. He is growing like a weed. This week he also said "MaMa" for the "first" time clearly. I have heard him say Mamamamama, but never really directed at me. On Wednesday when I was picking him up from my parents, I walked into the kitchen and he got a little upset and yelled "mama!" Since that day, he has been saying it everyday. Mostly when he is hungry or tired and cranky. When he is hungry, he usually pairs mama with baba and says, "Mama! Babababa." In fact, that is usually what I hear through the intercom when he wakes up.
I took a couple of picture today when we went to Red Robin. Liam used a high chair for the first time at a restaurant. He did ok for the most part. I think he had a little bit of a hard time since he is not used to sitting on his own for so long. He would lean forward and rest his chin on the table, or try to lean back, and his neck and head would just keep going. He also gently bumped his head on the table. So, after that, I took him out. I was glad, however, that I invested in a high chair cover, because the one that I was given was very sticky and gross!

The other day, Liam was laying on our bed playing while I was putting laundry away. When I turned around, I noticed that he had found something that didn't belong to him, and when I took the picture, he gave me this look like, Mom! you caught me!

Just a picture that I took today at church of Liam wearing Mom's sunglasses
handsome boy
that is funny pic with him and your bra! hehehe
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