It has been a l o n g week! Deron has been closing all week, so it's been a little hard on all of us. We don't get to see daddy, and he sees us when he gets home, but most of the time we are both already asleep. He has been put onto a corporate schedule at work, which unfortunately, has a lot more closings than he usually works on it. We are glad that he is off tomorrow so we will be able to spend some time together. Today I had to go to the courthouse for my ticket. Your supposed to receive a courtesy letter in the mail informing you on what needs to be done to take care of the ticket. Well, I never received one. I called the courthouse, and on the recording it said that if you did not get a letter, come to the courthouse on your date at 7:30am, and see the clerk. So I got there at 7:20, and there were about 100 people ahead of me. I waited in line for an hour only to find out that my ticket is not in the system yet. Apparently, the Sheriffs department has up to a year to report the tickets! I'm glad that I was able to speak to someone over the phone that informed me of this! (Insert sarcasm here) Now I just have to wait for the courtesy letter, and hopefully I will be able to pay this ticket online instead of having to go to the courthouse again. It was a little creepy.
Later today, Liam and I met my friend Kristy Gunn for lunch at the Olive Garden. I haven't seen her since my baby shower in December. It was nice to catch up with her. Hopefully we will be having play dates sometime in the near future :). I really do miss hanging out with all my old friends. Today I decided that my Mid-Years resolution would be to make sure that at least once a month, I get together with my dear friends, if not more than once a month! Sorry, got a little side tracked! Liam was a handful at lunch today! He was so tired and cranky. I was trying to take a picture of him and Kristy and he was doing ok, then right before I snapped it he started to cry.

He was very vocal in the restaurant, and it is something I am not used to since he is always really good wherever we go! He has been pretty tired all day. I think he is catching up on some much needed sleep since he has slept almost all day!
We are really looking forward to another 1st holiday with Liam tomorrow! I am hoping that he doesn't get too scared by the fire works!
Here are a few pictures from this week. On Sunday, Rosa, Robbie, Angelica, Liam & I went to the Lavender festival, so there are just a couple of pictures from that.

where is the lavender festival at? i have never heard of that before. the picture sure looks pretty.
haha what a funny picture of Liam and I. He sure is a cutie! It was so nice catching up. Thanks again!
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