I woke up this morning realizing that Liam is now 6 months old! What?!?!? Really? It does not feel like 6 months have gone by already. He is growing so fast! Often times I look at him and still can't believe that he is actually really here, and that he is ours. Our life was made so much better when God brought him into our lives. We can't even image our lives without him!

Here are some things that Liam is doing now:
*Eating stage 2 baby foods! (well some.... he doesn't like them all)
*Trying to drink from a sippy cup
*Loves to drink from Mom's water bottle
*Says "baba" and yes, "mama"!
*Rolling over like a pro
*Almost sitting up completely on his own
*Puts his own pacifier in his mouth, in the right direction
*Holds his own bottle, until he gets too tired to hold it
*Pretty much sleeping through the night
*He knows how to get peoples attention!
*He sometimes dances with us when we sing and dance
*He plays little mimicking games that are too cute
*Starting to give little kisses, Liam kisses! He opens his whole mouth and sticks his tongue out. Nice and slobbery!
Today Deron & I were both off from work, so we decided to go to Ontario Mills and have lunch at the Rainforest Cafe. Liam has yet to take this adventure. He just watched everything. The people, the monkeys, the elephants and the huge fish tanks. He loves to be around noise, and this place was noisy. We were seated right next to the large elephant and every time it raised it's trunk, I thought I was going to get hit in the head!

We put Liam in his Johnny Jumper the other day and he did really well, but he likes the jumper my parents have a lot better! So, we went to Babies R' Us today to look for a jumper, but the only one we liked is the same one my parents have. So we got it. Liam loves this thing. He is such a good jumper. It's quite funny because he goes kinda crazy with his jumping and he folds his toes under and bounces on his toes. It looks really painful, and his toes are really red when he is done :(.

As with growing up, Liam outgrew his first bathtub. So, we got him a new one where he can sit up in it. He has only taken 3 baths in it so far, but he seems to like it just as much as the other one!