Liam has also now has discovered toys in his bath tub. There is a little toy attached to the tub that he usually holds onto, but now we have put little toys in with him, and he loves them. He especially loves them in his mouth.

I have been giving Liam books to play with in addition to us sitting down and reading them together. He really seems to like them.

Not only is Liam doing new things, but he is starting to look older too. At church the other day, a lady told me that he looks like a little man. When I look at him, his face does not look like a baby to me. It looks more like a kid. He is starting to grow into his features, and he continues to get more hair all the time.

We are trying some different baby food fruits, and last night we gave Liam some prunes. I have never seen him make a face like he did last night. He would make a sour face with the applesauce, but this face was 10 times worse. He still ate them though. He had about 10 bites before closing his mouth completely. He was also playing with his bib while he was eating and that is how he got the food on his nose.

And this little guy loves his Daddy! He especially likes to pull on his nose!

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