Liam had his 4 month well baby check-up today. He is now 17.9 lbs., 25 1/2" long, and his head is 17 1/2" around. He is getting big. He has almost doubled his birth weight! The doctor said he is developing very well, and she even said we could start giving him the 1st stage of solids. He was smiling and talking to the doctor a lot. Any bit of attention he gets, especially from the ladies, he just eats it up! Liam also had to get some more shots today :( This is the part of his appointments that I do not like. Last time he screamed so much, which is something he never does. This little guy hardly ever cries. So, I was getting myself ready for another episode of the screaming. But surprisingly, he only cried a little when they first gave him the shot. Then after it was done, he stopped. He was such a brave little guy. I am so proud of him. It probably helped that we had given him Tylenol before the doctor visit. He has been a little fussy throughout the day, and he only wanted to take a nap when I was holding him, but other than that, he is still his smiley little self.
Here are some random pictures that we have taken lately.

This is what most of today consisted of.... sleeping, and my new friend on the shot days.... Tylenol!

Liam has now grown out of his little shoes. He is wearing size 2 now!

And I think I have mentioned that Liam does not take good pictures with me... here are just a few examples of the lovely faces he makes when we are taking pictures together!

1 comment:
LOL...Liam is making funny faces in the pics of you and him. He sure is growing a lot!
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