This was a very busy week for us. We were supposed to go to one of David's baseball games this week, but it was cancelled. So we will probably go this coming week instead. I had my 6 week postpartum check-up on Wednesday, and the Doctor said everything is fine! This means I can start exercising. YEAH! My sister Lisa also came in from Georgia on Wednesday. She hasn't gotten to meet Liam yet, so we were all excited for this trip. Liam & I went to see her on Thursday, and spent all day with her. It was a lot of fun. Then on Friday, our whole family went out for lunch at Islands, and for a stroll at Victoria Gardens. Then on Saturday, Lisa & I attended a wedding for one of her friends. This was the first time that I have really left Liam. He stayed with my parents and he did well. It was only for about 3 hours, but I couldn't believe how much I missed him. We spent the rest of the day with the family, and said goodbye to Lisa on Saturday night since her flight left so early today. It was very nice to see her. We wish Deron would have been able to have a better work schedule since he was not able to visit at all with her. Now we are just working on getting back to a normal routine. The last few days were a lot for Liam and myself. We were traveling a lot, and there were not many naps taken. Lastnight was a really hard night. Liam didn't sleep well, which in turn meant I didn't sleep well. He was up at 2:30 am and wide awake! After a few hours he finally went to sleep, but he was up about every hour after that. Hopefully we will get back on our routine soon!

Liam still grows everyday. I am amazed each morning when I wake up at how big he is getting. His smiles are getting bigger all the time. And he is cooing a lot more, as well as starting to laugh. We were actually able to get a good picture of him smiling. Usually he stops smiling right when the camera flashes.

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