Sorry it has taken me so long to let everyone know.... but I was in the hospital for 6 days. So, here is the low down. I went to the doctor on Wednesday for a 41 week check up. He did not like how high my blood pressure was, so he sent me to triage in the maternity ward to be watched. Well, needless to say my blood pressure did not go down, so I was admitted, and induced. They started the induction at 3pm on Wednesday with Cervado (sp??), and that continued until 9pm on Thursday when they decided to put me on Platocin (sp?). I started having major contractions around 12am on Friday morning, and at around 3:30am, they moved me into a labor room where I was dialated to 4 cm, and considered to be in active labor. I was finally at 10 cm at around 8pm, and this was after my epidural had lost it's effect and I could pretty much feel everything. I pushed for about 2 hours and we could only see part of his head. He would turtle everytime my contractions would stop. So, they offered to let me push for another hour to see if anything would happen, and then have a c-section. I asked to just go for the c-section. So, at 1:33am on Saturday, Liam was born!!!! He was 9lbs, and 21 1/4" long. He is a big boy! We were finally released from the hospital today, and are extremely happy to he home. The hospital is not fun! So here are some pictures of our beautiful baby boy!!!!

Congratulations Christy! He is so handsome !!!
Congratulations, he is so very beautiful!! I hope that you have an easy time recovering and that Liam will find his routine soon.
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