Saturday, August 15, 2009
Liam's 1st Pet!
It's official, we have a pet! Or two. We got Liam a fish tank (or shishie tank) on Thursday, and put some little fishies in it yesterday. He was so excited when we went to the pet store. He would just yell out "shishy!" all over the place. We got two female guppies and have naturally named them Thelma and Louise! He loves watching them and feeding them. At night time, he wants to go say goodnight to them and turn off their tank light. He may be too young to understand responsibility right now, but we can sure try to start to teach him!

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Prayer Requests
We have quite a few friends and co-workers that have a lot going on in their lives right now. We are praying for them daily, but if you all could say an extra prayer for them, that would be greatly appriciated.
* A friend of our, as well as a co-worker of Deron's has a 19 year old brother who had a stroke a few weeks back. He had a blood vessle burst in his brain which caused his whole left side to go numb. He fell into a wall at his house and laid there for 2-3 hours since he was home alone. When they went to the hospital things weren't looking too good. He had lots of trauma to his brain and he was paralyzed. Currently, he is able to move a little. He is in physical therapy at LLU and is getting a little better each day. Please keep him in your prayers. He is a wonderful young man and has a wonderfully dedicated family that we've known for a very long time.
*A co-worker of mine has recently had to put his wife in the hospital for heart problems. She had cardiac arrest while on a walk with a friend. She had vomited and breathed it back into her lungs, which can cause pneumonia. She was taken to the hospital and in the ambulance, she was revived twice. After a few days, the doctors had found some swelling on the brain and is in a comma. Since this discovery, she has also sad convulsive seizures. As of Thursday, she has been taken off sedation, and she has been showing signs of response, like squeezing hands. The circumstances are unclear, and the family still has a lot to go through. This family are very strong believers and know that everything is in God's hands. Please keep them in your prayers.
* A friend of our, as well as a co-worker of Deron's has a 19 year old brother who had a stroke a few weeks back. He had a blood vessle burst in his brain which caused his whole left side to go numb. He fell into a wall at his house and laid there for 2-3 hours since he was home alone. When they went to the hospital things weren't looking too good. He had lots of trauma to his brain and he was paralyzed. Currently, he is able to move a little. He is in physical therapy at LLU and is getting a little better each day. Please keep him in your prayers. He is a wonderful young man and has a wonderfully dedicated family that we've known for a very long time.
*A co-worker of mine has recently had to put his wife in the hospital for heart problems. She had cardiac arrest while on a walk with a friend. She had vomited and breathed it back into her lungs, which can cause pneumonia. She was taken to the hospital and in the ambulance, she was revived twice. After a few days, the doctors had found some swelling on the brain and is in a comma. Since this discovery, she has also sad convulsive seizures. As of Thursday, she has been taken off sedation, and she has been showing signs of response, like squeezing hands. The circumstances are unclear, and the family still has a lot to go through. This family are very strong believers and know that everything is in God's hands. Please keep them in your prayers.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Potty Training 101
Well this time of Liam's life has officially arrived, and it was all by Liam's choice. A few weeks back he expressed some interest in wanting to use the potty like Daddy does. A for a few days he would just stand there in front of the toilet. Then last Sunday, he actually went! We knew then that it was time for the potty chair. We went out after church and picked up an Elmo chair that Liam picked out himself. He has been going in it ever since. Most of the time we have to ask him if he needs to go pee-pee, but there are many times that he will come up to us, pull up his shirt and say, " I go pee-pee?" He always has to wipe and helps us empty out his chair into the big potty and we say bye bye. This will probably be a long road till he is fully on his own, but for now, it's a start. And a start that we are happily encouraging! I don't really have pictures of Liam on the potty... can post some if you all want to see, but I think we all know what going to the potty looks like :)
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