I finally got a new cord for my camera in the mail today. Now I can finally post some pictures that I have been holding onto. Let's see... Where to start!
Last Saturday, we had a Bridal Shower and a Bachelorette Party for my friend Leanne who is getting married this coming Saturday. Both events were lots of fun. We went to have dinner at the Yard House and we were there for almost 4 hours! The night was quite eventful!

About 2 weeks ago, we had Liam's cousin Aidan over. His mom went to a wedding, so we thought it would be a good time to get the cousin's together to play. The boys played all day. Here are some pictures from all their fun!

Liam has really grown over the past few weeks. He is walking and running all over the place. He has started to try to feed himself with a spoon, and he is starting to get better about eating different foods. Although veggies do not seem to be the foods that he is willing to try. He is really starting to have real conversations with us and even though he still talks giberish, we are able to understand what he says. He is really into being a "big boy" and likes to put Daddy's shoes on, and drink out of cups without lids on them, because that's what Mommy does. He likes to do things by himself first, and ask for help later (typical male), and seems to have a great arm on him when it comes to throwing. He loves the song "If all the raindrops" on the Barney cd, and when the part that goes "ah ah ah ah, ah ah ah ah" comes on, he sings right along with the song. His favorite thing to do is talk on the phone. Everything is a phone. He picks it up, says hi, a little giberish, and Bye!!! He had a conversation with Auntie Lisa last week, and talks frequently to Daddy when he calls. He is becoming such a little man. My baby is quickly fading. He does still like to cuddle with Momma. That is my favorite thing of everyday!

We have had a busy last few weeks, and are expecting this week to be busy as well. Deron has a bachelor party to attend on Wednesday and Friday and Saturday are guarenteed to be full of excitment. I will try to keep everyone posted with what is going on more often now that I have my cord for my camera!

We hope everyone has a very blessed Easter! He has Risen! He has Risen Indeed!