So, back in December, we had to go through the whole changing from Pacificare to Kaiser thing. Well, when we did that we gave up only having to pay a $250 deductible to paying up to $3000 per person per year for medical procedures. We had no choice. Pacificare dropped Lowe's, so we had to change, and Kaiser was the best of the two options. Well, anyways.... On Friday, we got a bill in the mail from Kaiser for $5,910.00, and it was due 10/20/08, all of it! First of all, what kind of a time frame is that to pay a bill, let alone at $6000 bill? And second, how do they expect someone to fork over $6000 like they just have it sitting around in their bank account? So today I called Kaiser to see if we could get on some kind of payment plan, and this is how my conversation went with the girl from Kaiser:
Me: Hi, I was calling to see if there is a way that we can be on a payment plan for this bill?
Kaiser: Well, can you pay $1000 today?
Me: No, sorry. I just don't have that kind of money.
Kaiser: Well, when can you pay?
Me: On Thursday when I get paid.
Kaiser: Can you make a $1000 payment then?
Me: No, my paychecks are not even $1000. We cannot afford to make that kind of payment. Can't we make monthly payments?
Kaiser: Yes, but when you set up monthly payments, you have 10 months to pay them off, so you will be paying 10% each month. This means your payments are going to be $600 a month.
Me: Are you serious? That is really high? There is nothing else you can do?
Kaiser: Unfortunately, no. That is the best we can do.
Me: Ok... Thanks.
So that is as far as we got. We are a little stressed right now and are thinking about what we can do. Many people have told me that as long as you pay something each month, the medical companies cannot do anything to you.... I want to believe that, I do. But I am just not well informed in this area, so I get confused about it easily. Please keep us in your prayers with this situation. I know God does not give us something that we cannot handle, and we just have to lay it down in His hands, and He will provide. But, it's hard to do. All I see is the amount, and I get stressed out! If any of you have dealt with Kaiser like this, please let me know. Any information is great information!