Liam is officially 8 months old (well two days ago). I cannot believe the time has flown by so fast. He is such a big boy, and so much fun to be around. I love him more and more every day. Deron and I both agree that our little genius is one in a million, and he is the best gift that God could have ever given us. Here are a few things that Liam is doing now: was commando style, now he uses his knees and his big toes.
-pulling himself up with the furniture, into the standing position. Yup, we have to lower the crib!
-eating everything!!! he loves pancakes, and cheerios!
-still won't really drink from a sippy cup. he mostly plays with it.
-no teeth yet, but i can feel them coming :(
-yells momma, and whispers papa
-plays the drums
-uses his feet as his second pair of hands
-his security blanket = mommy
-holds his own bottle, finally!
-turns off the lights (he's very good at this)