Friday, December 28, 2007
Dr.'s Appointment- Week 38, Still No Changes :(
So, we had our 38 week check up today, and there was no change from the previous week. The baby's head is in position, but I am not dialated yet. The doctor said he would have induced me today if there was a change, but there was not. So... since I no longer have medical coverage through Pacificare after the 31st of December, it looks like we are going to be switching to Kaiser to have our little one. This also means, a new doctor and a new hospital. I'm not really looking forward to the change, but we really have no other options. Liam is coming regardless, he is just taking his sweet little time!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
David is another year older!
My brother, David, turned 16 today! Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesturday that he was running around the house and being goofy! Now he is getting his permit and driving. He is truly turing into a man. And it makes me feel that much older each time I see him!

We went to a new Asian cuisine restaurant in Redlands, and David loves his sushi. This is a picture of what he got: a Dragon Roll

We went to a new Asian cuisine restaurant in Redlands, and David loves his sushi. This is a picture of what he got: a Dragon Roll

The thing I'm going to miss the most....
After lastnights sleep, or lack there of, I realized that I am going to miss getting a good nights sleep for a while. Liam has started something new. When I am sleeping, he now wakes up and moves for hours at a time. He has never done this before. Normally, he always slept when I was sleeping. Plus, I frequent the restroom more, and everytime I get up, it is like I give him an invitation for play time :) Last night was the hardest. I went to bed at about 9:45. Woke up at 10:30 to use the restroom, when I laid back down, Liam moved from 10:30-12:45am. I think I finally dozed off, then at 2:15am, he got the hiccups. Now, when he gets the hiccups, he doesn't just hiccup. His entire body moves, and they last for at least 15-30 min. everytime he gets them. Needless to say, I was up all night. Something I think I might as well just get used to right????
Sunday, December 23, 2007
December 23, 2007 We are starting a blog!
I have thought about doing this for a long time. The only problem that I face is, being consistant. I fear that I may not keep this blog as up to date as I should. But, nevertheless, I am going to try. I wanted to have a way that our friends and family could see the updates that our going on in our new family. I will make sure that current pictures are posted often so everyone can see how our little Liam grows, as well as the events that happen in our family. This blog is still under construction, so please bare with me as I get everything up and running. We hope you enjoy reading about what is going on in our lives, and we would love to hear from everyone else as well.
Here are some pictures that were taken of Liam during a 4-D ultrasound. These were taken at 33 weeks, and we are now currently at 37 weeks! It did take 3 trys to get these pictures. Liam is a hand sucker, and he is very stubborn, just like his father!

Here are some pictures that were taken of Liam during a 4-D ultrasound. These were taken at 33 weeks, and we are now currently at 37 weeks! It did take 3 trys to get these pictures. Liam is a hand sucker, and he is very stubborn, just like his father!

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